Behavioural Economics and Financial Services

Attracting the right client
We use Behavioural Economics to assist advisory firms to attract and retain more of their ‘right type of client’, helping them to run more profitably, grow sustainably and build a business of real capital value.
The latest behavioural research is combined with the Regulator’s guidance to help advisers help their clients make better financial decisions and we are increasingly witnessing financial services professionals adopting this cutting-edge, evidence based discipline to create compelling client propositions, improve client outcomes and increase profitability.
Competitive advantage
- Assists financial services professionals and business owners to understand and incorporate behavioural economics into their business and client proposition.
- Assists advisers and fund managers in educating and helping their clients make better financial decisions.
- Works with fund and investment managers to identify and recognise biases in their own trading behaviour.
- Partners with rating agencies and fund selectors to provide an additional qualitative overlay.
- Informs financial services professionals of the Government’s and Regulator’s initiatives and use of Behavioural Economics.
Our lives and much of public policy and regulation has been heavily influenced by pure economists. We don’t, however, behave in a way that economists ‘want’ us to or expect us to. Behavioural Economics is liberating us from these unrealistic expectations by considering the biases and heuristics that we are all subject to.
In 2010 The Cabinet Office published MINDSPACE. This influential document first demonstrated how far Behavioural Economics had permeated the mindset of policy-makers influencing areas such as health, energy efficiency, the social environment, personal finance and saving for retirement. In 2013 the Financial Services Regulator published a paper on their use and application of Behavioural Economics, influencing initiatives such as auto-enrolment. Further papers have since been issued covering areas as diverse as the impact of text alerts and mobile apps on consumer behaviour and behavioural insights into the advertising of financial products. As the failure of economics to explain human behaviour is recognised and as pure economics and traditional ‘stick & carrot’ approaches are seen to lead to poor consumer outcomes, we will continue to witness an increased adoption of Behavioural Economics in shaping policy.
Unrivalled experience
With a wealth of experience in the financial services arena we can assist Financial Services Professionals and business owners to understand how Behavioural Economics can best be used for the benefit of both clients and advisers.
Mark Pittaccio has 35 years experience in Financial Services having held a number of high profile senior management and board positions as well as running his own IFA practice. He has worked on the advisory, distribution and provider sides of financial services spending much of it helping advisers to help their clients through the creation and delivery of compelling client propositions and investment strategies. To talk to Mark complete the form on the contact page.